
Do some dogs poop like horses?

November 22, 2017

That is my question. My dogs do not, but do some dogs poop like horses?

I ask because I have noticed there are trails of poop on some of the bike paths around town here. And there really is no excuse for not picking up poop in Davis because there are trash cans all over the place, so you would never have to carry your bag of poop very far.

But why the straight-line trail of poop? Can some dogs poop without squatting? That is the only reason I can think that someone could not notice their dog on a leash pooping.

Loki most certainly could not poop while walking or running! While he likes to travel as he poops, it is in a distinct squat position and therefore it would be impossible to not notice his bowels moving. He also likes to poop on a hillside amongst vines or other underbrush, most definitely not the sidewalk.

I picture how a horse in Savannah would just be walking along and poop is falling out, and maybe that is what is happening to a bunch of dogs here in Davis.

I don’t really know enough about dogs to know why this seems to be such a problem – if perhaps my squatty dogs are the weird ones or if lots of dogs poop like horses.

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